If you ever have a chance, the drive up the coast is totally worth it. It may take a bit longer, but the sights are worth the time. Here are snippets + snaps from my last trip up the coast!
Day 1:
The views at Moonstone Beach. Depending when you go, you can find beautiful stones in the sand.

We didn't find any stones at the beach this time, but we stumbled upon these rare creatures. They are called vellela and belong to the jellyfish family.

McWay Falls is among the must-stop locations in Big Sur, CA. It is one of the few waterfalls that dumps directly into the ocean.
Day 2:
Our first stop in the city: Mr. Holmes Bakehouse. {Tip: Go early! The earlier the better!}
The view of the city from Billy Goat Park. We were quite disappointed that there was no swing on the tree. Depending when you go, there may or may not be a swing attached. Sometimes it is a real swing and sometimes it's just a rope. You gotta work with what you got!

20th Century Cafe (as seen on Julia Engel's instagram). Perfect little cafe for brunch!

Cocktails at The View. The bar definitely lives up to it's name.

Day 3:
Blue Bottle Cafe: a San Francisco favorite. Anywhere you go, there is bound to be one around the corner.

A stop on the way home. Empty roads are always a good photo opp.

World, meet my sister.
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