Have I mentioned my two favorite colors to wear are black and blue? It's hard to miss that hint in this outfit. I would say that these two colors are of the most flattering for anyone to wear. I'm getting ready to go out to Chicago and decided to fit in a last post before I board the plane. I figured this outfit was appropriate for this is something I would wear on a day exploring the windy city.
The outfit is chic, yet simple. That is something I always look to achieve. Something comfortable and easy to maneuver in because I totally hate being uncomfortable. Up top, I'm sporting a black t-shirt and blue worn-out flannel from H&M. My jeans are super stretchy and legging-like from Forever 21, along with my whistle necklace. The sneakers are definitely one of my all time favorites--New Balance 420. The color scheme is just way too lovable. A hint if pink is never wrong!
Well, off to Chicago! Updates to come! xo

{ugh, tulips. I love all flowers.}

JEANS + NECKLACE // Forever21
SNEAKERS // New Balance
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